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Easy Fitness For Time Crunched Moms

Jul 9, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Moms have a tough time. They are the cook, the maid, the taxi driver, the teacher, the referee, and the list could go on. Moms know how to get everything done for everyone else, but by doing this they often dont take care of themselves. There is no question that it is hard; children keep parents on the go, it is difficult to do the things youd like to do.

They can squeeze in a last minute dentist appointment for little Teddy and show up without a moment to spare for a class play that little Tommy forgot to mention. Super mom can always find time to do whatever needs to be done to run a happy home for all of the occupants. School schedules, car pools and after school activities combined with household chores and a full-time job doesnt allow for much time to exercise. That is no longer good enough it is only an excuse.

Taking care of yourself with plenty of rest and exercise should just be one of those little things that you mark on the calendar and do. In fact, do it now. Mark in your day planner or on the dry-erase board your me-time. Then, dust off that tennis racket and head on out for the courts with one of your girlfriends, or join a Fitness Center, or take up walking for overall health and fitness. Procrastination is a word that has no meaning for moms wanting to do something nice for their children, the same should apply for what you want or need to do.

Diversify your fitness schedule to include solo walks, tennis matches with girlfriends, and horseback riding with your husband. Be creative in planning your week ahead. If you know that on Monday you have to pick up your daughter from school at 3:00, but your son gets out at 2:30, make proper use of your time and throw your Nike shoes in a gym bag and walk while you wait. If your daughter has a volleyball practice 25 minutes across town at the high school, then take your swimsuit and use the schools swimming pool to swim laps. Most schools dont mind if you call ahead and some even offer free swims on certain days of the week.

The important thing for you to remember is that because you are a mom, you may have to jump in and take advantage of a thirty-minute window just to exercise. Be ready for these chances and learn to expect the unexpected and take care to use the time wisely. If the birthday party you son is at ends up being late, take the chance to walk once or twice around the block. When you get back youll have helped out your heart and your son will be ready to go.

It doesnt take much except taking the opportunities to exercise when they present themselves.

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